April 17, 2011

It's Not Always Skittles And Beer

Well, last night was entertaining. We are alright after some serious storms stomped the state, even though just a few miles up the road there are trees in houses and cars upside down. Of course the tornadoes would hit just as Josh was falling asleep! Down to the bathroom we went where he was white happy to sit in the bathtub watching Elmo's Potty Time... until the power went out. How do you explain to a toddler that he can't play with the flashlight because the batteries will run out? Because of course he didn't want to play with his sweet kid-size rechargeable one with his name on it. Oh no, that would make life far too easy.

He finally fell asleep in the bathtub, all snuggled up in his pillow and blanket. He was so sweet and cuddly and there was NO way I was going to move him! It's too bad it was too dark to take a picture of him surrounded by mattress pads and flashlights. Maybe he'll remember his first tornado party :)

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