April 14, 2011

Now What?

Five days ago, my husband said "I'm done". Done with the fights, done with the tears, done with... Me. Done with me.

I cried. I begged. I screamed. I threatened. I cried some more. I screamed some more.

Our marriage was admittedly difficult. As a Marine he is gone more than he's around and we've spent the last year living apart due to a deployment to Afghanistan and a work schedule made of nightmares and rusty nails. We married at just 21, which seemed a lot older then than it does now. But I loved him, oh God I loved him more than anything. I knew he'd be gone, I knew the day I saw the "pregnant" on that stick that he would miss the birth of our child and many birthdays after that. But I loved him.

Love is not enough.

Love doesn't pay the bills, feed the dogs, or buy a crib. It can't flourish if you can't find the time to nourish it. And it can't conquer all if the thing it's up against is just too big.

But I will go on, I will get stronger every day. I have my little boy, my dog, my friends and my family. They will protect me, and I will go on.

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