July 8, 2011

Hear Me Roar

Man, what a crappy night at work last night was. Only two people to work an entire restaurant - one for drive thru, one for front counter. That's it. But we totally rocked it!

It's amazing how rude people can be when they have to wait just a few minutes. When you pull up to the drive thru speaker and the voice on the other end is out of breath as she asks you to please wait just one moment... give her a break. Don't wait 10 seconds and huff "Helloooooo?" You will only wait longer. And it's not like I wasn't busting my butt - my times last night were 181 and 42%. The average reader will have no idea what that means, but a fast food worker will go "Wow, all by yourself?!"

As a general rule, the more you order the longer your order will take. If you order 6 drinks and a sandwich, you're going to wait awhile. Stuff doesn't magically appear, unless you want to go to McDonald's and are ok with drinking or eating something that was prepared an hour ago. Why are people so impatient? If you're in such a rush that you can't wait 5 minutes, why are you even stopping?

And my God, people are fat and picky. Example: last night someone ordered a sweet slushy drink. Took a sip, practically threw it back at me and said it was too sweet. So they ordered an iced coffee with caramel syrup and..... wait for it..... lots of sugar. "And try not to screw it up this time." Seriously? It ain't my fault if you don't like what you ordered. Would it kill someone to smile and say please? Or even just not act like a douchebag?

My final thought: if you get pissed off over donuts at 8:00 at night... maybe you should cut back on your marijuana habit. #justsayin

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