September 25, 2011

I Think There's A Pill For That

I'm an intellectual snob. My father was, and it either rubbed off or was passed down in his DNA. I feel physical pain when people don't grasp basic sentence structure and/or spelling. But for all my nit-picking of other people's mistakes, I am loathe to see my own. (Also from my dad, if his mother is to be believed.)

I have the voice in the back of my head that screams "THIS IS A TERRIBLE IDEA SARAH MCQUEEN". I completely ignore her. I am both headstrong and mercurial, a dangerous combination. The tattoo I got with my ex's initial? Told the voice where she could stick it. The night many years ago (MANY years ago) I went out drinking with friends even though I was on medication with "Do not consume alcohol" in big black letters on the bottle? Tied her up in a closet with a sock in her mouth. The poor girl keeps trying to save me from my own whimsy but I just keep ignoring her.

I wouldn't say I need saving from myself. I need saving from the notion that I know better than the voice in the back of my head.  Hmmmm.

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