May 19, 2011

All Shook Up

I love my stupid dog. Really, he's stupid. He runs into doors, he steals my dinner, his farts can clear a room of Marines. But he's the only living thing in the world that will come sit with me every single time I need him to.

That's not to downplay the humans in my life. You are all pillars of strength for me. But that stupid dog fits just perfectly in my lap. He'll rest his head quietly on my leg and just listen to me talk. Or cry. Or just sit in the quiet. If he didn't snore like a lumberjack with sleep apnea he'd be the perfect snuggle buddy at night.

He's the best thing I've ever spent money that I didn't have on.

1 comment:

  1. I love my dogs for those same reasons. They will never let you down like a human could.
