June 9, 2011

Mom guilt! Is there anything worse? Well, maybe cleaning up dog puke after changing a diaper full of nuclear waste.

My poor little guy is half-blind. I'd noticed his eyes were crossing and drifting outward, and the opthamologist confirmed that he is "severely far-sighted". Is this why he constantly bumps into things? The lenses he has to have are so thick on his little face. I feel so bad that I waited two years to have him checked out. I'd noticed one eye crossing whehe was just a newborn, but everyone assured me that was normal for a baby so young (it is). I kept noticing it though, and it kept getting worse, but I figured his eyes were just figuring out what worked. Turns out they were working overtime just trying to focus!

I wonder if this is why he's so whiny a lot of the time. If I don't wear my reading glasses I get a raging headache. Has my sweet boy been walking around with a headache for the last year? I'm torturing myself with questions like that, and at the same time trying to reassure myself that I'm not the worst mom ever. Forget the prying old ladies at the grocery store - mothers are their own most scathing critics

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