June 14, 2011

Wanna Make The World Dance

I struggle to write as much as people would like me to. The thing is, I write for purely selfish reasons. What I want, when I want, y'know. When I start to feel like I "have" to write for someone is when my writing turns to shit. I think it extends to the rest of my life too. I can be fantastic at something, but the minute I feel like it's required I lose all motivation. Hmmmm.

We have had a good week, even though it's only Tuesday. Tomorrow I have to spend 4 hours in a CPR certification for school, but after that I get the whole day to hang out with my buddy. I'd like to take him to the beach but he is scared witless of the waves! Maybe we'll just hang out by the inflatable pool on the back deck and avoid the mountains of laundry that need to be folded.

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