June 22, 2011

Takes A Village

How did I ever make friends before I had a child? I feel like there were a lot of drunken encounters that thankfully netted me a few friends for life, and of course I've met plenty of good people through work. But after you become a parent it gets harder to be social the way you used to. You have to have a babysitter, money to pay the babysitter, and at 25 you still have a curfew because the babysitter has to get home and the baby wakes up at 6. So really, what's the point?

It's lovely to have friends who have kids. Only a parent can understand the appeal of falling asleep at 9 on a Friday night and the reasons behind hauling a suitcase of sunscreen and towels to the pool/beach. Or skipping the outing entirely and just turning the hose on in the backyard. We bond over mutual hatred of animated brats with high-pitched voices who encourage kids to get loud and bouncy; we share our secret excitement over the new Cars movie.

I'm a part of a wonderful online group of moms who have children born in March of 2009 like Josh. I've only physically met one of them, but they are nonetheless very special people in my life. They've been there with me through so much - I can't wait to see more of them soon :)

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