July 26, 2011

He's All Shook Up

Dearest Son,

You are the single most important thing that has ever existed. I enjoyed my life before you, enjoyed the hell out of it, but nothing has ever made me as happy as your giggle does. I don't mind when you throw yourself onto my bed at 1AM because secretly I sleep better snuggled up to you too. The smallest thing fills my heart with pride - you should have seen the look on my face when you first turned your head towards your name. The smallest thing can also break my heart, like the way you whimper when you scrape your knee. I have never been more angry at something as I was at the bug that bit you when you were just a few weeks old. I sent that bug to bug hell and cursed its family name.

I have wild dreams for your future. I am fairly convinced you will cure cancer, but would be delighted if you never moved out. That will probably change when you turn 14, but we'll see. More than anything I want you to be happy with what you've got, to know the value of the things you've worked for and to never forget that you are loved to an extreme by so many people.

But I swear to God, kid, if you don't stop whining and throwing things at the poor dog who takes more than his fair share of abuse from you I'm going to make you sleep outside with the mosquitoes tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Haha! Has anyone told you today that you're an awesome mommy?? Love you!
