July 13, 2011

I'm Told That A Lot

My saint of a mother pointed out that had I just stayed in school I would never have met the waste of oxygen that is my ex-husband and none of this would have happened.

And she's right.... but this is what my life would be missing had I not:

Ariel. Dawn. Kim. Andrea. Erin. Caitlin. Emma. Kallee. Christy. Delaney. Jenn. Amy. My blessed Wild Thing moms.

Rhian, Chris and Sophia

And more than anything, Mason and Josh.

My life is overstuffed with wonderful people because I didn't get it right the first time, and if I left your name off the list it's because my sweet boy is climbing all over me demanding for a ride in Grandma's car. C'est la vie!

1 comment:

  1. Love you bunches :-) and we are so having a bojangles date when I get to North Carolina...be prepared.
