April 30, 2011

Stupid Lamb

Something's been eating at me, other than these damn mosquitos. (Seriously, I'm not *that* sweet!) I find myself jobless and uneducated beyond high school and a half-assed attempt at a Journalism degree. I am blessed with an extremely supportive family without whom I would be homeless as well, but I am still living in my mother's house at 25 all because I gave up everything for a man.

I can't believe I let myself become so dependent on a man that when he left I had nothing. I have always been a mama's girl and daddy's princess but they also taught me to fend for myself and take pride in it. What do I have to be proud of now? Yes, I have my son who is perfect (most days), but without my family I would not be able to provide for him. Finding a job takes time and patience and I'm precariously short on both.

"All because two people fell in love", indeed. My prayer is that I do not become bitter and resentful, that I pull myself up and make a good life for my son. I just have to figure out how.

1 comment:

  1. Girl... When I divorced my ex, he took everything from me. He took my car, my dog, my washer, my dryer, my couch, and left me with an apartment that I could barely afford, my clothes, a table, and a bed. Then Josh came into my life. I could not be happier. Josh takes care of me and loves me unconditionally. My point is don't let it get you down too long.. You are a wonderful mother, a wonderful person, your beautiful, and even in our short time knowing each other, you have a heart of gold and would never hurt some on purpose. Keep trucking along girl because there is someone so much better out there that will give you the love that you deserve.
