May 2, 2011


How do you just stop saying "I love you" after saying it every day of your life for years? How does one just stop being married and start being single? You can go through the motions of divorce, meet with the lawyer, make the angry phone calls, sign papers, compromise and refuse to budge... But how do you just stop saying "I love you"? And at what point do you start to consider that you're only saying it out of habit and not because you mean it? Or maybe you do?

When do you stop looking at the wedding pictures and throw them away? What do you do with the family pictures, the ones you picked the perfect frames for and debated for days between black and white or color? At what point do you go through his t-shirts and cologne, how do you decide whether to send them to him or burn them at the dump?

How do you just delete someone from your life, when until now they were your life?

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