April 24, 2011

Who Needs Diamonds

"Friends don't pay the bills."

That's what my husband used to tell me. He is shy, and I'm not, and he often resented how easily I spoke to people. I cross the line between friendly and flirty, he said. I invest too much in friends.

Well guess what. You were there when he was not. The birth of my son, the death of my father, moving and moving again, and now my divorce. You are here and he is not, and though it is not his fault that he was absent for so much that doesn't change the fact that for every life event he missed my friends were quick to step up and be there and do whatever I needed done.

You were there when he was not, and I will never forget that.

1 comment:

  1. And we are HONORED to be your friends and blessed to have you in our lives! I'll always remember you as singing your heart out in front of your dad with Charlie Don't Surf :) Un Abrazo muy Fuerte!!!
