June 27, 2011

The Rat Race

5:30AM Hear the boy throw open his door and stomp down the hall. Weep silent tears of joy when he goes downstairs to Mimi's room.

7:30AM Wake again to the sweet sound of his voice. "Hi Mommy!"

8:00AM Wish he still took naps. Chug coffee.

9:00AM Realize that he hasn't eaten his breakfast, he's just thrown it to the dog. Let the dog out so he can throw up the Goldfish in peace.

10:00AM-noon Sesame Street, Andy Pandy, trucks trains and balls. Wish he still took naps. Pray to God that he takes a nap just once today. More coffee.

Noon-1:00 PM Change 3 poopy diapers and one just because he wants powder on his butt. Try to keep the dog from eating the poop.

2:00PM Drop him off at his favorite aunt's house. Speed to work.

2:30PM-10:30PM Work. More coffee. Lots of coffee. Resist the urge to eat every donut in the building. Almost succeed.

11:00PM Write blog entry, dog snoring and twitching. Sleep.

5:30AM Repeat.

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